Si no conoces la historia, déjate sorprender porque el recorrido promete emociones y sorpresas. Una canción que ha ido variando en su ritmo y en la letra para adaptarse a los tiempos y las personas que la cantaban.
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Listado de música del episodio
Gonna get along withouth you now – Viola Wills
I Believe in Miracles – Viola Wills
You’re the first, the last, my everything – Barry Withe
Lost without the love of my guy – Viola Wills
Together forever – Viola Wills
I’ve got to have all of you – Viola Wills
You’re out of my mind – Viola Wills
The First time – Viola Wills
Pardon me Sir – Joe Cocker
Run to the nearest exit – – Viola Wills
Gonna get along withouth you now – Viola Wills
Gonna get along withouth you now – Patience Prudence
Gonna get along withouth you now – Teresa Brewer
Gonna get along withouth you now – Roy Hogsed
Cocaina Blues – Roy Hogsed
Gonna get along withouth you now – Roy Hogsed
Gonna get along withouth you now – Viola Wills
Listado de versiones "Gonna get along without you now"
Roy Hogsed
Teresa brewer
Patience and Prudence
Skeeter Davis
The Caravelles
Trini López
Viola Wills
Bad Manners
The Lemonheads
Mr President
Tanja Thomas
She & Him
Cet Atkins