«Every body wants to rule the world» de «Tears for fears», un mensaje vigente.

En este episodio del podcast El Recuento Musical repasamos la historia y las versiones de «Everybody Rules THe World» de «Tears for Fears» y escuchamos algunas de sus versiones.

La excusa es perfecta para aproximarnos a la historia de este grupo que, a día de hoy, sigue cantando y que tuvo, con este tema y con «Shout» un gran éxito a mediados de los 80.

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Listado de música del episodio

Melancholia – Godmode

Everybody wants to rule the World (Instagram Tears for Fears)

Everybody wants to rule the World (Live) – Tears for Fears

Elvis should play Ska – Graduate

Mad World – Tears for Fears

Mother’s Talk – Tears for Fears

Shout – Tears for Fears

Everybody wants to rule the World – Tears for Fears

(Música from Sybil)

Charlie don’t surf – The Clash

Wanter front – Simple Minds

Throw away the key – Linx

Everybody wants to rule the World – Tears for Fears

Everybody wants to rule the World – Lorde

Listado de versiones "Everybody wants to rule the world"

Everybody wants to rule the World – Clare & The Reasons

Everybody wants to rule the World – Sammy Ree & The Friends

Everybody wants to rule the World – Chiara

Everybody wants to rule the World – Aron Wright

Everybody wants to rule the World – Jazzystras, Urselle

Everybody wants to rule the World – Lorde

Everybody wants to rule the World – Barrett Crake

Everybody wants to rule the World – Making Movies

Everybody wants to rule the World – Weezer

Everybody wants to rule the World – Sue Ellen

Everybody wants to rule the World – Chiara

Everybody wants to rule the World – Sammy Ree & The Friends

Everybody wants to rule the World – Kate McGill

Everybody wants to rule the World (Instagram Tears for Fears)

Everybody wants to rule the World (Live) – Tears for Fears

Otras historias de otras canciones

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